Updates from Boiceville: Building our Carbon Neutral Bakery

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And so it began…

Progress can be messy! A clear vision of the future kept us going through this chaotic, but necessary, step of any construction project. As Sharon says, we’re keeping the dream and losing the nightmare. Flowers and fruit trees have been re-homed to neighbors & friends. And our beloved brick oven remains untouched at the heart of the bakery.


A strong foundation

Our new solar panels and energy efficient insulation need some extra support! The new trusses will be capable of holding everything we need for our carbon neutral bakery.


Best of Old & New

To us, honoring tradition means constantly improving. Making our daily motions more elegant and efficient. Today, this means investing in smart technology that will enhance the quality of our bread, the experience of our team, and the future of our planet.

These ovens are the core of our solar-powered, carbon neutral future. They will run on electricity generated from our on-site solar array. No propane or natural gas. They will also generate all the steam for our original wood-fired brick ovens.

Big ups and thanks to Thomas, Spencer, Charlie and the Bread Alone maintenance team for a successful oven installation.


Taking Shape, Inside and Out

You can make all the Gantt charts you want, but inevitably things change - materials are delayed, weather doesn’t cooperate, and life happens. And so it was that our oven & proofing box installation, interior framing, electric work, roofing, concrete pouring, all happened simultaneously! We’re so grateful for our adaptable and scrappy team for going with the flow.


Mindful Hardscaping

If you’ve visited us recently, you may have noticed that some earth has shifted! We try to be mindful in all our decisions, and hardscaping is no exception. We made strategic decisions like repurposing an existing leach field for our new ground solar array. Big, beloved oak and shagbark hickory trees were treated like our brick oven: built around and protected. And in creating areas for our team and customers to park, charge electric vehicles, and sit and enjoy the mountain views we worked with experts to construct a site plan that protects our watershed. 

We’re so grateful to our community for their trust, and continuing to come out and support us through all the changes. More updates to come!


Watch the video below to see the evolution so far!